Well the Holidays have come and gone by so quickly I barely understand what just happened!
Kyle is now 4 months old, he's headed to his 4mth check up tomorrow, that should be fun, not! More shots time :( poor kiddo
Here are some pix from Christmas. We tried the family shot, but poor Kyle bug was so tired. He was done. But, it's a cute shot anyways...That's me, Kyle, Daddy (mike) and my mom. And, yes, I'm blond now, I got bored over the holiday weekend :)
Kyle got this silly hat that made him look like the Pope! hahaha - i found it in the $1 bin at Target, i think it was actually for a dog?? LOL woops! Pope Kyle would rather chew on mommy's arm than enjoy his pressies.
We got to look at his stalking...he got new socks ( a kane tradition) to enjoy on Christmas day.
Oh lookey! A toy for your stroller! yay! I think he actually liked this one.
Oh and an Elmo thinggy for the bath (from daddy), i tried to create some enthusiasm :)
Oh and and....wait...Kyle bug, why you cry?? (sad face)
What's in heeerrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee? Hmmmm more presents! yay!
I surprised Mikey with a new coat.
And my mom with a fun new outfit including a snazzy scarf...
So, here' the video from Kyle's first Christmas, hope you enjoy. Daddy needs some help on the videography department, so bare with us... *laughing*
Happy 2009!! Love the Kanes
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